Friday night, I got a late start home from work, so I didn't get home until 5:45. I ate a quick dinner, packed up the car, and rushed out the door at 6:15 to go pick up Pearl. We left her house around 7 pm. Google maps told us it would be a 5.5 hour drive, but we didn't make any stops, and we ended up getting into Charleston around midnight (half an hour earlier than expected). Amy and Michelle were already there, they had gotten in a little before us after driving for most of the day. We pretty much just went to bed, haha, we were all exhausted from traveling!
Saturday we got up around 9:30 and headed out to explore Charleston. My sister made me wear a sash that said "Bachelorette" and a pin that said "Bride-to-be", and she and the bridesmaids wore nametags that said "Bachelorette". Since Cara and Ilana couldn't come, my sister had brought little stuffed animals (a dog for Cara and a monkey for Ilana) to represent them! She made nametags for them, and they came everywhere with us that day, riding in people's purses :-D
We went to a local diner for brunch, then walked around for a while, stopped in a tourist shop to pick up a free map, and explored the market, which was really cool! They had all kinds of homemade crafts as well as some more touristy stuff (tshirts, etc.). We all got magnets that say "Who Let the Girls Out? Charleston, SC", and I got some little gifts for a few people (a bar of soap with a toy car in it for the little boy I babysit for, a bracelet for Ilana, and a Yankees picture for my dad). There was a really nice older man who was selling sports pictures (where I got the one for my dad), and he told us stories about when he was a kid growing up in Charleston, and how they used to go into the back room of the church (because it had stone floors so it was nice and cool in the summers) and listen to baseball games on the radio. He had some great stories!
On our way back to the hotel, we stopped at the general store and got some freshly made ice cream - it was SO GOOD! Then we hung out in the hotel for a few hours, played board games and relaxed, until it was time to head out to dinner. We went to a really good seafood restaurant called Coast, where we had a delicious dinner, and then stopped at a candy store on the way back to the hotel so Pearl could get some gummy bears. We played one more game, and then went to bed early.
On Sunday (yesterday), Amy and Michelle got up and left really early. Pearl and I slept a little later, but got on the road around 10 am.
It was a great weekend!
This week we need to get our table arrangements figured out so my mom can get final numbers to the florist. I also need to finish up the bridal party gifts, and next weekend we are going to Florida because Marcus's mom insisted that we come down to have an auf ruf (Jewish thing - basically you attend Saturday morning services a week or two before your wedding, and the rabbi says a special blessing over you and then people throw candy at you, haha). Things are getting crazy! It is SO CLOSE!
Here are some pictures from the bachelorette party:
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